A house with a south-facing roof has photovoltaic panels on the roof. The photovoltaic panels have an efficiency of 10.3 % and occupy an area with dimensions 3.35 m by 8.55 m. The average solar radiation incident on the panels is 305 W/m2, averaged over all conditions for a year. How many kilowatt hours of electricity will the solar panels generate in 20 days?
Tag: efficiency
What’s the most efficient way to make electricity from solar power on a large scale?
What’s the most efficient way to make electricity from solar power on a large scale? Is it using photovoltaic cells, or mirros and a turbine or what? I’d be interested in a web site that compares all the options by efficiency, cost, reliability in cloudy weather, and stuff like that.
At what angle do solar panels have to be positioned to get the most efficiency?
I want to build a house and put solar panels on my roof. What angle do I need to build my roof at so I can just place solar panels flat on my roof? Which direction does the solar panels need to be facing?