Are solar photovoltaic panels expensive to purchase & install? Can I self install or is this a pro job?
It is expensive if you just look at the price and say Wow! that is a lot of money. But when you compare it to renting electricity for the next 30 years and total the cost.. Well you end up making money.
You should find the package system you want which comes with instructions on how to install. Install the parts of the system you can and hire an electrician to run the wires and make the connections. You could save a great deal of money doing it that way.
Mounting the solar modules on the roof is by far the hardest part of the whole install. The inverter and charge controllers all have a Pos and a Neg markings and so does the solar modules making the wireing hookups easy. However to hook up to the utility you have to have a building inspector sign the paper showing he has inspected it. Catch 22 is you have to have an electrician sign the permit or the building inspector will not approve the system. If you install it wrong your home could be flaged as unsafe and you could end up being put out of your home till the wireing is brought up to code.
The easy way and the best way, Is to let the Solar electric dealer take care of it for you. The dealer is the one who has been trained and knows the electric building codes for solar electric your area.
Solar energy / Solar photovoltaics / Photovoltaic effect (3D animation)
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